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Adopted June 14, 2022.
Ordinance to amend Schedule 1, Chapter 72, Title VII of the Richlands Code of Ordinances in order to regulate the parking of vehicles on certain streets in Richlands
Schedule 1. Restricted Parking:
- Both sides of Trenton Street from Hargett Street to Foy Street.
Adopted April 12, 2022
Ordinance to amend Schedule 1, Chapter 72, Title VII of the Richlands Code of Ordinances in order to regulate the parking of vehicles on certain streets in Richlands
Schedule 1. Restricted Parking:
- No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when in conflict with other traffic is imminent or when so directed by a police officer or traffic control device in any of the following places:
- On a sidewalk.
- Within an intersection.
- On the roadway side of any vehicle stopping, standing, or parking at the edge or curb of a street.
- In front of or in an area that would deny access to a permitted driveway.
- No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when in conflict with other traffic is imminent or when so directed by a police officer or traffic control device in any of the following places:
Message from the Chief of Police
Please remember the town has ordinances covering the length of grass (exceeding 8 inches). Grass clippings in the street are not allowed because they wash into the storm water system. Richlands is a beautiful town and we need your assistance keeping it that way. If you have any questions please call and ask for our code enforcement officer or you can go on the town’s website and look under ordinances.
For Information on Mosquito Control Click Here:
State Landfill Regulations
State Regulations will not allow the disposal of TV’s, computer monitors, towers, printers and microwaves at the landfill. Therefore the Town will not pick up any of these items. Residents of the Town must dispose of these items themselves. Please contact Onslow County at 455-4470 for the nearest convenience center.
Welcome to Richlands

Richlands is a vibrant, family-friendly community with small-town charm and a historic central business area. Richlands is rich in history and relevant today. With new opportunities, new technologies and strategic planning, it’s truly “a Great Place to Grow!” Richlands has been a very attractive building location in recent years due to it’s high quality of life and lower cost of living. We welcome you to visit Richlands through this site and learn more about our Town and community.
The town is governed by a Mayor and five Aldermen which are elected at large every two years. The Town Administrator is appointed by the board to handle day-to-day operations of the Town, including general supervision of town departments. The Town Clerk, Chief of Police and Town Attorney are all hired by the Board of Alderman. You can learn more about our Officials and the Departments of the Town and the duties of those departments and staff in the pages of this site.
The Richlands Community Building is available to rent
Click here to learn more or contact Town Hall at 910.324.3301